Puppies don’t have opposable thumbs and to test out the world as babies they use their mouth. If your puppy is chewing on something you don’t want him/her to you need to make sure they understand this is inappropriate behaviour. You need to show him who is boss otherwise he’ll think you’re his dog. So if he nips or bites on something you don’t want him to make a very LOUD noise which will redirect his attention enough that you can focus his attention on; something else like a toy.

If he is nipping at your toes or fingers make a LOUD noise like he’s hurting you a lot even if it doesn’t hurt. This will let him know that he’s doing something that hurts you. Use a very stern deep voice to say ‘NO’ to scold him. If he keeps it up then give him a time out. 1 minute in the bathroom with the lights off is sufficient. He’ll learn that when he does something bad he gets put in the dark place and associates that action with that punishment. Dogs are social animals and being secluded for 1 minute away from you in a dark room seems like an eternity to them which makes it effective.

When the puppy is with its mother and if the puppy bit its mother, its mother bites it.  Puppy learns very quickly that biting hurts and is bad and does not do it any more.

If puppy is with you and you allow it to bite and nip you or your children when it is little, it learns that biting and nipping is acceptable behavior and will continue to do it.  If your dog grows up to bite and nip, it is your fault not your dogs.

Posted in: PurdyPuppy FAQ