Our litter of CKC Registered Purebred Shih Tzu puppies were born on June 1, 2019.
They will be 8 weeks old July 27, 2019. This will be the earliest they can leave our care provided they are fully weaned from Mom, eating well on their own and have had their 1st vaccination.
There are 4 Males and 2 Females in this litter
- 1 Tri Coloured Male – SOLD
- 3 Sable Males - SOLD
- 1 Tri Coloured Female - SOLD
- 1 Sable Female- SOLD
Our Purebred Shih Tzu puppies are $1700 + hst registered with the CKC under a non-breeding agreement
This litter of CKC Shih Tzu puppies will weigh between 10 and 13lbs when they are adults
If you are interested in our Purebred Shih Tzu puppies and have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 905-830-2290.
A puppy is not promised unless a Deposit has been given. Our puppies are sold Registered with the CKC under a non-breeding agreement. If you’d looking to Purebred puppy for show give us a call to discuss.
The Shih Tzu is a true companion dog and makes an ideal family pet. They are one of the original lap dogs and the quintessential house pet.
Always bred to be a lap dog, and are happy, outgoing, and affectionate. Their excellent temperament and their friendly and trusting nature make them great companions.
Shih Tzu’s are very lovable and make wonderful house pets and are great with children and generally will get along with anyone or anything.
Shih Tzu’s can vary in size and their usual weights can range between 9 to 16 pounds, with some being heavier or lighter.
Being a small dog, they do not require extensive exercise. Playing in the house or condo, combined with the occasional brisk walk should suffice.
The Shih Tzu is non-shedding and considered hypo-allergenic. Those that have asthma or animal allergies will find them more suitable for them.
They will require regular grooming with a hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks and although bows are not required, they are absolutely acceptable, even on the boys.