Our Litter of Bichon Frise puppies was born on August 9, 2016
There are 3 Males and 3 Females available in the litter
This whole litter has found homes now. Check our Upcoming Litters for our next available litter
- 3 White Males - SOLD
- 3 White Females - SOLD
Our Bichon Frise puppies will weigh between 11 and 13 lbs as adults
The are $1000 plus hst
If you are interested in our puppies and have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at 905-830-2290.
To view our other puppies please see our puppies for sale page. A puppy is not promised unless a Deposit has been given.
Breed Description
The Bichon Frise is a curly coated breed originating in France.
The Bichon Frise is a small dog with a curly coat.
he Bichon Frise is always white but may have a little buff (light beige) on it.
Bichon Frise make a great companion with the loving, happy cuddly personality and are one of the most loving dogs you will ever meet.
The Bichon is a fog with a low energy level. Most of their exercise can be obtained around the yard and house but do like a good walk around the block.
They get along well with other animals if socialized when they are young.
The Bichon Frise is a non-shedding mix requiring haircuts every 6 – 8 weeks depending on how long you like their hair.
Their weight can ranges from 10 – 16 lbs as adults depending on how large their parents are.
Because they are non-shedding and are better for those with allergies and asthma sufferers and they are considered overall to be a largely hypoallergenic
They are a dog that is an all around great companion to any family.